- 教师名称:周志江
- 教师拼音名称:Zhou Zhijiang
- 出生日期:1960-08-10
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
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更多+- Jin Wang. Consuming fermented distillers' dried grains with solubles(DDGS)feed reveals a shift in the faecal microbiota of growing and fattening pigs using 454 pyrosequencing .Journal of Integrative Agriculture .2017 ,16 (4) :900-910
- Jin Wang. Fecal microbiota succession of piglets from birth to post-weaning by 454 pyrosequencing analysis, , .Transactions of Tianjin University .2017 ,23 (3) :211-220
- Jin Wang. Pyrosequencing of the broiler chicken gastrointestinal tract reveals the regional similarity and dissimilarity of microbial community .Canadian Journal of Animal Science .2015 ,97 (2) :302-313
- Yanping Yang. Isolation and characterization of dextran produced by Leuconostoc citreum NM105 from manchurian sauerkraut. .Carbohydrate Polymers .2015 ,133 :365-372
- Yanan Liu. Highly specific detection of thrombin using an aptamer-based suspension array and the interaction analysis via microscale thermophoresis .Analyst .2015 ,140 :2762- 2770