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  • 教师名称:舒歌群
  • 教师拼音名称:Shu Gequn
  • 出生日期:1964-03-31
  • 性别:
  • 职务:党委常务副书记
  • 学科:内燃机工程
  • 职称:教授


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  • 基本信息

  • 研究方向

  • 获奖情况

  • 论文成果

  • Gequn Shu is currently a professor in Tianjin University, China and the Vice President of this school. He received BSc. Department Of Thermal Physical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China from 1980 to 1984; received MSc. Department Of Thermal Energy Engineering, Tianjin University, China from 1985 to 1987; received Ph. D, State Key Laboratory of ...
    • 暂无内容


  • 1993.9-1998.2 Tianjin University   State Key Laboratory of Engines   Ph. D
  • 1985.9-1987.7 Tianjin University   Department Of Thermal Energy Engineering   MSc.
  • 1980.9-1984.7 Zhejiang University   Department Of Thermal Physical Engineering   BSc.


  • 2007.1 -2019.12

    |Tianjin University|Vice President、Vice Secretary|Professor

  • 2004.8 -2009.1

    |National key laboratory of combustion engine combustion|Tianjin University|Director of State Key Laboratory of Engines|Professor

  • 1997.9 -2004.8

    |Department of Automobile Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Head of the automotive department|Professor

  • 2004.8 -2019.12

    |National key laboratory of combustion engine combustion|Tianjin University|Professor

  • 1998.11 -2004.8

    |IC Engine Teaching and Research Section|Tianjin University|Professor

  • 1993.11 -1998.11

    |IC Engine Teaching and Research Section|Tianjin University|Associate professor

  • 1988.12 -1993.11

    |IC Engine Teaching and Research Section|Tianjin University|Lecturer

  • 1987.7 -1988.12

    |Tianjin Institute of IC Engine|Tianjin University|Associate Engineer

  • 1984.7 -1985.9

    |Institute of Traffic Designing in Sichuan Province|Associate Engineer

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