Zhang, P., Kong, L., Wang, G., Setlow, P., and Li, Y.-Q., "Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy for measurement of dynamics and heterogeneity during the germination of individual bacterial spores," Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15, 056010 (2010).
上一条:Zhang, P., Kong, L., Setlow, P., and Li, Y.-Q., "Characterization of wet-heat inactivation of single spores of Bacillus species by dual-trap Raman spectroscopy and elastic light scattering," Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76, 1796–1805 (2010).
下一条:Coleman, W.H., Zhang, P., Li, Y.-Q., and Setlow, P., "Mechanism of killing of spores of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium by wet heat," Letters in Applied Microbiology, 50, 507-514 (2010).