Zhang, P., Goodwin, P.M., and Werner, J.H., “Interferometric three-dimensional single molecule localization microscopy using a single high numerical-aperture objective,” Applied Optics, 53(31), 7415-7421 (2014).
上一条:Zhang, P., Phipps, M.E., Goodwin, P.M., and Werner, J.H., "Confocal line scanning of a Bessel beam for fast 3D Imaging," Optics Letters, 39(12), 3682-3685 (2014).
下一条:Zhang, P., Liang, J., Yi, X., Setlow, P., and Li, Y.-Q., "Monitoring of Commitment, Blocking and Continuation of Nutrient Germination of Individual Bacillus subtilis Spores," Journal of Bacteriology, 196(13), 2443-2454 (2014).